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Surrogacy – Where do you begin the journey?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As National Surrogacy Week is drawing to a close, we would like to leave you with a few thoughts and helpful tips on Surrogacy, the most selfless and life-changing gift of all. This guest blog has been prepared and written by Marna Marx from Herts & Essex Fertility Centre.

Surrogacy describes the arrangement made when a woman agrees to become pregnant and have a baby for another couple. The woman having the baby is called the surrogate and the couple who will become the parents are known as the intended parents (IPs).

Surrogacy is often the only course of action available to women who are unable to carry a baby to term themselves, and to same-sex male couples.

Finding a Surrogate

To find a surrogate can be a difficult start to this complex and challenging journey but there are fantastic surrogacy organisations available to help with this process.

The responsibility for finding a surrogate lies with the IPs as fertility clinics are not allowed to find a surrogate on behalf of any couple/individual.

However, these surrogacy organisations who specialise in helping IPs find a surrogate, also offer additional services to support throughout the journey.  The services vary greatly depending on the organisation. So it’s always best to check what professional  support you will receive. It’s also key to consider things such as legal advice, choosing an experienced clinic, emotional and professional support, and how your journey will be managed including supporting the surrogate.

* My Surrogacy Journey –
* Brilliant Beginnings –
* Surrogacy UK –

Finding an egg donor

Once you have your surrogate and need donor eggs, we can offer you fertility treatment and help you to find a suitable donor so please contact our Egg Donation specialist, Caroline Cayley on 01992-785060 or

For more information on Surrogacy visit:

 “I can honestly say that it’s both heartwarming and humbling to be part of such a personal arrangement and to help growing families through Surrogacy,”

Sarah Templeman, Nurse Manager and Head of Egg Donation & Surrogacy at Herts & Essex Fertility Centre.

Michael Johnson-Ellis is Dad to Talulah and Duke, step Dad to Katie, and husband to Wes. Since having children Michael changed his career from a stressful city job, to being an award winning Surrogacy advocate, supporting those who are struggling to conceive or are from the LGBTQ community, and dream of parenthood. Michael blogs and documents his life as a parent via TwoDadsUK® on Facebook and Instagram. Michael and Wes are both founders of TwoDadsUK®(, The Modern Family Show 2021 (the only UK LGBTQ family building event, and the latest Surrogacy not for profit organisation My Surrogacy Journey®( Michael also writes for IVF Babble, the world’s largest online fertility magazine and has recently established IVF Babble LGBT. Michael recently was awarded one of the twenty two Census purple plaques, recognising his work to the trying to conceive community. TwoDadsUK has collaborated with brands such as Cow & Gate Baby Club, Audi, Save The Children, Vodafone, Sainsburys, and appeared on TV such as BBC Breakfast, CBeebies and Channel 4 to name a few.

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